Gil Carrasco, Willamette University College of Law, Civil Rights Litigation, Autumn 2004.
Gil Carrasco, Willamette University College of Law, Employment Discrimination, Autumn 2004.
Sumi Cho, DePaul University College of Law, Employment Discrimination, Fall 2007.
Margaret Chon, Seattle University School of Law, Race & Law, Fall 2006.
Margaret Chon, Seattle University School of Law, Race & Law, Fall 2005.
Roberto Corrada, Denver University School of Law, Race & Law Seminar, Spring 2007.
Nancy Ehrenreich, Denver University School of Law, Jurisprudence, Fall 2007.
Nancy Ehrenreich, Denver University School of Law, Torts, Spring 2008.
Laura E. GÓmez, UNM School of Law, Mexican Americans and the Law, Fall 2005.
Guadalupe Luna, Northern Illinois University School of Law, Agricultural Law Seminar, Fall 2008.
Michael Higginbotham, University of Baltimore School of Law, Race and The Law, Fall 2007.
Michael Higginbotham, New York University School of Law, Race Values, and the American Legal Process, Fall 2007.
Kevin R. Johnson, University of California, School of Law, Critical Race Theory, Spring 2004.
Kevin R. Johnson, University of California, School of Law, Latinos and Latinas and The Law, Spring 2007.
Tayyab Mahmud, Seattle University School of Law, Contracts.
Tayyab Mahmud, Seattle University School of Law, American Legal History.
Margaret Montoya, Constitutional Rights (Course Description), Fall 2008.
Margaret Montoya, Constitutional Rights, (Syllabus), Fall 2008.
Camille Nelson, Saint Louis University School of Law, Contracts I, Fall 2007.
Camille Nelson, Saint Louis University School of Law, Contracts II, Spring 2008.
Camille Nelson, Saint Louis University School of Law, Criminal Procedure, Spring 2007.
Wendy Parker, Wake Forest University School of Law, Civil Rights Remedies, Fall 2006.
Charles Pouncy, Florida International University School of Law, Business Organization, Spring 2007.
Carla Pratt, Penn State-Dickinson School of Law, Race, Racism & American Law, Spring 2006.
Carla Pratt, Penn State-Dickinson School of Law, Race, Racism & American Law, Spring 2004.
Daria Roithmayr, University of Southern California, Gould School of Law, Critical Race Theory.
Catherine Smith, Denver University School of Law, Advanced Torts, Spring 2008.
Catherine Smith, Denver University School of Law, Employment Discrimination, Fall 2007.
Catherine Smith, Denver University School of Law, Torts, Spring 2007.
Fancisco Valdes, University of Miami School of Law, Race, Constitutional Law, II, Fall 2008.
Robert Westley, Tulane Law School, Fourteenth Amendment, Fall 2008.
Robert Westley, Tulane Law School, Legal Profession, Fall 2008.
Gil Carrasco, Willamette University College of Law, Sexuality and Discrimination, Autumn 2007.
John Hernandez, St. Thomas University, Sexual Identity and The Law Seminar, Spring 2006.
Nancy Levit, UMKC School of Law, Gender & Justice.
Catharine A. MacKinnon, Harvard Law School, Sex Equality, Fall 2007.
Sumi Cho, DePaul University College of Law, Economic Justice, Identity & Markets, Spring 2008.
Berta E. Hernandez-Truyol, University of Florida College of Law, International Law, Fall 2008.
Duncan Kennedy, Harvard Law School, Israel/Palestine Legal Issues, Fall 2007.
Tayyab Mahmud, Seattle University School of Law, Law of War, Spring 2007.
Frank Rudy Cooper, Suffolk University Law School, Identity, Law & Culture, Fall 2007.
Robert Chang, Denver University School of Law, Asian Americans and the Law, 2003.
Robert Chang, Denver University School of Law, Latinas, Latinos and the Law, Fall 2006.