Sixth Annual LatCrit Symposium

Proceedings from: LatCrit VI: Latinas/os and the Americas: Centering North-South Frameworks in LatCrit Theory, The University of Florida Levin College of Law Gainesville, Florida, April 26 April 29, 2001


Guadalupe T. Luna, America Latina and Jurisprudential Associations

Cluster I

Pedro A. Malavet, LatCritical Encouters with Culture in North-South Frameworks

Jorge L. Esquirol, Continuing Fictions of Latin American Law
Michael Wallace Gordon, Legal Cultures of Latin America and The United States: Conflict or Merger
Hugo Rojas, Stop Cultural Exclusions (in Chile)!: Reflections on the Principle of Multiculturalism

Mauricio Garcia-Villegas, Symbolic Power Without Symbolic Violence?
Susan Scafidi, Old Law in the New World: SolÓrzano and the Analogical Construction of Legal Identity

Cluster II

Alice G. Abreu, Cubans Without Borders: The Possible Dream
Yvonne A. Tamayo, Cubans Without Borders: Finding Home
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol, Building Bridges V-Cubans Without Borders: Mujeres unidas por su historia

Myra Mendible, Paradise Lost, Paradise Found: Oral Histories and the Formation of Cuban Identities
Francisco Valdes, Diaspora and Deadlock, Miami and Havana: Coming to Terms with Dreams and Dogmas

Cluster III

Introduction, Angela P. Harris, Introduction
Kevin R. Johnson, The Case of African American and Latina/o Cooperation in Challenging Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement
Alfredo MirandÉ, Is There a “Mexican Exception” to the Fourth Amendment?
Christoper Slobogin, The Poverty Exception to the Fourth Amendment

Cluster IV

Elvia R. Arriola, Comparative and Co-Constituent Constructions of Identity

Jerome McCristal Culp Jr., Seventh Aspect of Self-Hatred: Race, LatCrit, and Fighting the Status Quo
Juan F. Perea, Killing Me Softly, With His Song: Anglocentrism and Celebrating Nouveaux Latinas/os

Alejandro Covarrubias & Anita Tijerina Revilla, Agencies of Transformational Resistance

Cluster V

Robert S. Chang, Migrations, Citizens and Latinas/os: Sojourner”s Truth and Other Stories
Victor C. Romero, The Child Citizenship Act and the Family Reunification Act: Valuing the Citizen as well as the Citizen Parent

Ruben J. Garcia, Across the Borders: Immigrant Status and Identity in Law and LatCrit Theory Camille A. Nelson, Carriers of Globalization: Loss of Home and Self Within the African Diaspora (Presently not available)

Cluster VI: Class, Economics & Social Rights

Introduction, Jane E. Larson, Class Economics, & Social Rights
Charles R. P. Pouncy, Institutional Economics and Critical/LatCrit Theory: The Need for a Critical Raced Economics

EdÉn E. Torres, Power Politics, and Pleasure: Class Differences and the Law
Claire Moore Dickerson, Culture and Trans-Border Effects: Northern Individualism Meets Third Generation Human Rights
Ellen J. Pader, Space of Hate: Ethnicity, Architecture, and Housing Discrimination
Manuel J. Caro, Tying Racism in El Ejido to Spanish and European Politics

Cluster VII: Race, Gender & Sexuality

Introduction, Sharon E. Rush, Identity Matters
Beverly A Greene, Heterosexism and Internalized Racism Among African Americans: The Connections and Considerations for African American Lesbians and Bisexual Women: A Clinical Psychological Perspective
Joe R. Feagin, White Supremacy and Mexican Americans: Rethinking the “Black-White Paradigm”
Felipe H. Lopez, The Construction of Mexican Identity
Josephine Ross, Riddle for Our Times: The Continued Refusal to Apply the Miscegenation Analogy to Same-Sex Marriage
Ofelia Schutte, Indigenous Issues and the Ethics of Dialogue in LatCrit Theory

Cluster VIII: Cultural and Post-Colonial Critiques in LatCrit Theory

Introduction, Keith Aoki, One Hundred Light Years of Solitude: The Alternative Futures of LaCrit Theory
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Nuestra America: Reinventing a Subaltern Paradigm of Recognition and Redistribution
Adrien Katherine Wing, Healing Spirit Injuries: Human Rights in the Palestine Basic Law
Lolita K. Buckner Inniss, Bicentennial Man-The New Millennium Assimilationism and the Foreigner Among Us
Ana M. Otero, To the People Sitting in Darkness: A Resolve for Unity and Integration


Ediberto Román, LatCrit VI: Outsider Jurisprudence and Looking Beyond Imagined Borders