
Reimagining the Latinx Experience in America – Virtual Book Talk Series

The Reimagining the Latinx Experience in America book talk series is hosted by The Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity, and Mobility initiative. This series addresses the realities, past and present, of Latinx people in the U.S., and considers how the future may look different—including better access to justice, resources, and opportunities. The Future of Latinos Initiative is excited to spotlight these scholars and engage with their important new work.

LatCrit: From Critical Legal Theory to Academic Activism

Francisco Valdes

Professor of Law and Dean’s Distinguished Scholar, University of Miami

Steven W. Bender

Associate Dean for Planning and Strategic Initiatives and Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law

Margaret E. Montoya, Professor Emerita at UNM School of Law, will serve as commentator.

February 22, 2023

For more information: Click Here