Ninth Annual LatCrit Symposium

Proceedings from: LatCrit IX: Countering Kulturkampf Politics Through Critique and Justice Pedagogy , Desmond Hotel & Conference Center, Malvern, Pennsylvania, April 29 – May 1, 2004


Charles R. Venator Santiago, Countering Kulturkampf Politics Through Critique And Justice Pedagogy

Tribute to Jerome

Angela P. Harris, Under Construction

Adrienne D. Davis, Three Jeromes: A Tribute to Professor Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
Robert S. Chang, A Call From Jerome
Scott Lee, Jerome”s Wisdom

Community Organizing and Direct Activism

Introduction, Robin Morris Collin, Community Organizing and Direct Activism

Anita Tijerina Revilla, Raza Women Meritoria
Victor C. Romero, Rethinking Minority Coalition Building: Valuing Self-Sacrifice, Stewardship, and Antisubordination

What is an Ethic of Teaching?

Introduction, Roberto L. Corrada, Toward an Ethic of Teaching: Class, Race, and the Promise of Community Engagement
Antonia Darder, Schooling and the Empire of Capital: Unleashing the Contradictions

Nelson E. Soto, Caring Relationships: Developing a Pedagogy of Caring
Fran Ansley & Cathy Cochran, Going on-Line with Justice Pedagogy: Four Ways of Looking at a Website


Introduction, Reginald Oh, LatCrit Introduction: Methods

Imany Perry, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, and Some Reflections on Methods
Mary Romero, Revisiting Outcrits with a Sociological Imagination


Tayyab Mahmud, Limit Horizons & Critique: Seductions and Perils of the Nation
Angel R. Oquendo, National Culture in Post-National Societies
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol, Global Citizenship: Sovereignty, Security, and Soul
Maria Clara Dias, Moral Dimensions of Nationalism
Gil Gott, The Devil We Know: Racial Subordination and National Security Law


Francisco Valdes, Culture by Law: Backlash as Jurisprudence

Proceedings Published in Seton Hall Law Review


Charles R. Venator Santiago, Countering Kulturkampf Politics Through Critique and Justice Pedagogy, Race, Kulturkampf, and Immigration

Contemporary Racial Realities

Guadalupe T. Luna, Introduction: Kulturkampf Revelations, Racial Identities and Colonizing Structures
Aya Gruber, Navigating Diverse Identities: Building Coalitions Through Redistribution of Academic Capital-An Exercise in Praxis
Carla D. Pratt, Tribal Kulturkampf: The Role of Race Ideology in Constructing Native American Identity

Jacquelyn L. Bridgeman, Defining Ourselves for Ourselves


Denise Ferreira da Silva, Introduction: The Global Matrix and the Predicament of “Postmodernisms”: An Introduction to the Critique of Kulturkampf

Martha T. McCluskey, How Equality Became Elitist: The Cultural Politics of Economics from the Court to the “Nanny Wars”
Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas, “Kulturkampf[s]” or “fit[s] of spite”?: Taking the Academic Culture Wars Seriously


Ediberto Roman, Introduction: Immigration and the Allure of Inclusion

MarÍa PabÓn LÓpez, Reflections on Educating Latino and Latina Undocumented Children: Beyond Plyler v. Doe


Francisco Valdes, “We Are Now of the View”: Backlash Activism, Cultural Cleansing, and the Kulturkampf to Resurrect the Old Deal