Tenth Annual LatCrit Symposium

Proceedings from: LatCrit X: Critical Approaches to Economic In/justice , Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico October 6-10, 2005


LatCrit at Ten Years by Margaret Montoya


Getting Back to Basics: Some Thoughts on Dignity, Materialism and Culture of Racial Equality by Christopher A. Bracey

Postcoloniality and Mythologies of Civil(ized) Society
by Tayyab Mahmud

War of a Much Different Kind: Poverty and the Possessive Investment in Color in the Multiracial 1960s United States

by Tom I. Romero II

Class Struggle and Resistance Against the Transformation of Land Ownership and Usage in Northern New Mexico: The Case of Las Gorras Blancas by Mary Romero

Remembering Chavez Ravine: Culture Clash and Critical Race Theater by David G. Garcia

The Rebel Democracy: A look Into the Relationship Between the Mapuche People and the Chilean State
by Jorge Contesse-Singh

At the Intersection of Post-911 Immigration Practices and Domestic Policies: Can Katrina Serve as a Catalyst for Change? By Michele Alexandre

Women Lawyers of All Colors Steered to Contingent Positions in Law Schools and Law Firms by Marina Angel

Naming Racism: A Conceptual Look at Internalized Racism in U.S. Schools by Lindsay Perez Huber, Robin N. Johnson, & Rita Kohli

Alfredo’s Caribbean Adventure: LatCrit Theory, Narratives, and the Politics of Exclusion by Alfredo Mirande


LatCrit X Afterword: Beyond the First Decade: A Forward-Looking History of LatCrit Theory, Community and Praxis by Berta Hernandez-Truyol, Angela Harris, & Francisco Valdes

Berkeley La Raza Law Journal, Boalt Hall School of Law


By Charles R. P. Pouncy


Endogenous Growth Theory, Status Quo Efficiency, and Globalization by Steven A. Ramirez

Ecological Economics: A progressive Paradigm? by Kristen A. Sheeran

Cornel West, Meet Richard Posner: Towards a Critical-Neoclassical Synthesis by Francisco E. Guerra-Pujol

Economic Paradigms and Latin American Development Theory: The Search for Nirvana by Rafael a. Porrata-Doria, Jr.

Deconstructing the Mythology of Free Trade: Critical Reflections on Comparative Advantage by Carmen G. Gonzalez

Contemplating the WTO from the Margins by Ruth Gordon

Trade Negotiations or Trade Capitulations: An African Experience by Patricia Michelle Lenaghan

Economic Globalization Ascendant and the Crisis of the State: Four Perspectives on the Emerging Ideology of the State in the New Global Order by Larry Cata Backer


LatCrit X Afterword: Beyond the First Decade: A Forward-Looking History of LatCrit Theory, Community and Praxis
by Berta Hernandez-Truyol, Angela Harris, & Francisco Valdes