Colloquium on International and Comparative Law (ICC IV), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Law, Culture, and Society: LatCrit Theory & Transdisciplinary Approaches


Kevin Johnson, LatCrit Goes International

Law, Land, and Labor: Construction of Property and Status in Local and Global Context

Deon Erasmus, “Will She Speak, or Won”t She? That Is The Question”: Comments On The Communal Land Rights Bill

Frances Olsen, Civil Disobedience on Vieques: How Nonviolence Defeated the U.S. Military
Hugo Rojas, Labor Law and Genetic Discrimination in Chile
Dominique Legros, Indigenous Peoples” Self-Determination and the Broken Tin Kettle Music of Human Rights in Liberal Democracy

Critical Approaches to Legal Reform: Toward Social Justice?

Becky L. Jacobs, Policy and Praxis: A Role for LatCrit “Institutional-Class Analysis” in Latin American Judicial Reform
John O. Calmore, Social Justice Advocacy in the Third Dimension: Addressing the Problem of “Preservation-Through-Transformation”
JosÉ MarÍa Monzón, Let There Be Justice: The Double Standard of Application of Legal Norms
Karin van Marle, “Meeting the World Halfway” – The Limits of Legal Transformation

Identifying Identities: The Politics of Community in Historical and Contemporary Perspective

Charles R. Venator Santiago, Race, Nation-Building and Legal Transculturation During the Haitian Unification Period (1822-1844): Towards a Haitian Perspective
Carina J. Miller, Protecting the Argentine Jewish Community and Jewish Identity in Times of Crisis: Local Efforts, Global Community, and Foreign Support
Emiliano J. Buis, How To Play Justice and Drama in Antiquity: Law and Theater in Athens as Performative Rituals
Fred Evans, Multi-Voiced Society: Philosophical Nuances on Rushdie”s Midnight Children
Joshua Price & Maria Lugones, Encuentros and Desencuentros: Reflections on a LatCrit Colloquium in Latin America