Cluster I: Critical Politics and Jurisprudence by Charles R. Venator Santiago
The Growing Role of American Legal Culture by Jose Maria Monzon
K. en Guantanamo by Hugo Rojas
Huntington’s White Patriotism and Anzaldua’s Brown Nationalism by Charles R. Venator Santiago
A Report on – and an Invitation to Join – the LatCrit NGO by Tucker Culbertson
Teaching Law in a Multicultural, Multilingual Context by Pamela Edwards, Raquel Gabriel, Donna Lee & David Nadvorney
Building Critical Race Methodologies in Educational Research: A Research Note on Critical Race Testimonio by Lindsay Perez Huber
The Third Annual Jerome M. Culp Memorial Lecture: The Zombie Jamboree by Anthony Paul Farley
Practice Makes Perfect? An Empirical Analysis of H.R. 5418 by Brooke Terpening
A Call for New Justice: Victims of Sexual Violence in Africa’s Internal Conflicts by Jeanelle Ferril