2013 SNX Call For Papers:
The Costs of Exclusion: Austerity Policies and Anti-Social Governmental Strategies
Sponsored by:
Latina & Latino Critical Theory (LatCrit)
University of Miami School of Law
Center for Global Justice, Seattle University School of Law
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Facultad de Derecho
Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Escuela de Derecho
University of Connecticut, El Instituto: Latino/a, Caribbean and
Latin American Studies Institute
San Juan, Puerto Rico
May 16-18, 2013
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the LatCrit South-North Exchange, this year’s conference examines the exclusionary costs of policies implemented by governments in response to the financial global crisis created by the prevailing capitalist practices. Austerity policies, de-regulation or privatization of governmental activities (especially those that were established under the rubric of the welfare state), elimination of social programs, bailouts to multimillionaire corporations, repression and punishment to protest are some examples of public policies designed under the rubric of budgetary restraints, but that are directed toward the betterment of the few against the most. The SNX 2013 creates a space to examine the impact of legislation and governmental practices designed to push the marginalized from the border to the outer border. In recent years we have witnessed a wide array of social responses to these policies: the Arab Spring, Indignados around the world such as Greece and Spain, Occupy Wall Street, students in Chile and Puerto Rico, teachers in Bolivia, Perú, and Chicago to name a few. The Exchange will also foster a critical space to discuss alternative approaches to the ensuing political realignments and ways to challenge these exclusionary narratives.
The 2013 SNX organizing committee invites paper proposals that:
1. Explain the social, economic, and political costs of adopting exclusionary laws, policies and norms;
2. Offer alternative solutions grounded on a social justice paradigm;
3. Examine the local, national, hemispheric, and global impact of austerity policies and the relevant impact on social legislation;
4. Discuss how a LatCrit approach can offer new insights to address the costs of exclusionary policies;
5. Enable a critical exchange or dialogue among participants working in different social environments across the globe.
6. Explore how social groups of those affected by these exclusionary policies react and challenge those measures.
The conference’s proceedings will be held in multiple languages. To be considered for participation in the 2013 LatCrit SNX, please send your contact information with an Abstract (1-3 paragraphs) of your proposed presentation/paper 31 January 2013 to charles.venator@uconn.edu.
For more information please contact:
Program Coordinators:
Yanira Reyes, Universidad Inter-Americana de Puerto Rico-Facultad de derecho, reyesyanira@gmail.com; Sagrario Cochon, UNIBE-Escuela de derecho, sagrariofeliz@hotmail.com or d.feliz@unibe.edu.do; Sheila I. Vélez Martínez, University of Pitsburgh School of Law, siv7@pitt.edu; Willmai Rivera-Perez, Southern University Law Center, wrivera-perez@sulc.edu; and Charles R. Venator-Santiago, University of Connecticut, Department of Political Science and El Instituto, charles.venator@uconn.edu.
Practical Information/Questions:
The 2013 SNX will be held in the School of Law of the Universidad Inter-Americana de Puerto Rico, the site of our original meeting (http://www.derecho.inter.edu/inter/). The local organizing committee is currently in the process of negotiating a conference rate in the Condado area near Old San Juan.
For information on local logistics:
Please contact Yanira Reyes, reyesyanira@gmail.com; Sheila I. Vélez Martínez, siv7@pitt.edu; or Willmai Rivera-Perez, wrivera-perez@sulc.edu.
Conference registration will be managed through an Eventbrite site (forthcoming).
¡Nos vemos en San Juan, Puerto Rico!