The LatCrit Monograph Series (LMS): Brief notes of welcome and introduction
This limited monograph series was designed to provide basic online introductions to LatCrit theory, publications, and other projects. This easily accessible resource allows persons around the world to gain a basic sense of this work and community, and to assess whether or how they may want to connect with us. Anyone interested in submitting a monograph to amplify this project, or anyone interested in working with us otherwise, should contact Marc-Tizoc González.
This Monograph provides a general overview of LatCrit theory as a genre of contemporary critical legal scholarship. But as the Monograph explains, LatCrit theory self-consciously does not limit itself to law or to scholars: students, activists and other interested parties from various disciplines, backgrounds and regions, help to constitute LatCrit theory as a collective enterprise in every respect. The ties that bind this fluid group together are a shared commitment to anti-subordination purpose and praxis. The Monograph begins with a brief account of the jurisprudential context for the emergence of LatCrit theory in 1995, and then briefly describes the origins and evolution of this enterprise since then. The Monograph then briefly describes both the substantive themes and programmatic methods that have become LatCrit hallmarks in recent years, including the community-building and institution-building aspects of the project. The Monograph concludes with a summary of LatCrit projects and plans. Ideally, this Monograph will encourage like-minded persons to join in LatCrit theory, praxis, and community-building. For more information, please contact the author.
Esta Monografía brinda una visión general de la teoría LatCrit como un género de estudio legal crítico contemporáneo. Pero como explica la Monografía, la teoría LatCrit atenta a sí misma, no se limita a la ley o a eruditos: estudiantes, activistas y otras personas interesadas de varias disciplinas, historiales y regiones, ayudan a constituir la teoría LatCrit en una labor colectiva en todo respecto. Los lazos que unen a este fluido grupo son un compromiso compartido con el propósito y la práctica de anti-subordinación. La Monografía comienza con un breve recuento del contexto jurisprudencial para la emergencia de la teoría LatCrit en 1995, y la evolución de esta empresa desde entonces. La Monografía entonces describe brevemente ambos los temas substantives y los métodos programáticos que se han convertido en distintivos de LatCrit en años recientes, incluyendo los aspectos de construcción de comunidad y construcción de institución del proyecto. La Monografía concluye con un resumen de los proyectos y planes de LatCrit. Idealmente, esta Monografía impulsara a personas de parecer similar a unirse a la teoría, la praxis y la construcción de la comunidad de LatCrit.
This Monograph provides some preliminary thoughts on the relationship between Latin American Subaltern Studies, Law, and recent LatCrit scholarship. This Monograph focuses on four sets of issues associated with modernity, the coloniality of power, race, and rights. The main objective of this Monograph is to contribute to a cross-disciplinary dialogue among scholars from the humanities and the legal academy grappling with issues of common interest to the South and North to help foster critical and comparative exchanges of antisubordination ideas hemispherically and globally.